How to overcome a negative.
Student lending. Ugh.
Student lending. Are there two more toxic words in the English language? Probably not. And that’s a very big problem when you’re a student lender. And when you’re launching a trio of new credit cards, specifically for students.
Put your money where your mouth is.
For a skeptical audience, actions beat words. A few new credit cards were never going to overcome years of negativity. But the right product features would be a great first step. Sallie Mae created cards that actually helped students avoid the pitfalls of other forms of credit. Building students’ credit scores. And even helping them pay for college. Practical and useful solutions, instead of lip service.
Then get out
of the way.
Our job was to keep the message as plain, simple and honest as possible. A website (and mobile) with simplified graphics. Plain-spoken explanations. And nothing to hide. Not an overnight fix for the flaws of an entire industry, but three small steps forward.
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